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About Hirai Miyo

Hirai Miyo's Profile

Hirai Miyo (平井美葉) joined BEYOOOOONDS since December 3, 2018 and is the leader of SeasoningS

  • Birthday: December 11, 1999
  • Blood type: A
  • Birthplace: Tokyo
  • Special skill: Classical ballet
  • Hobby: Drawing, taking photos, watching stage performances, dancing (I'm practicing hiphop middleschool dance now!)
  • Favorite music genre: K-POP, Western music
  • Favorite sport: dance
  • Motto: Nothing ventured, nothing gain
  • (source: official hello! project profile page)
Hirai Miyo BEYOOOOONDS 3rd Single "Hamkatsu Mokushiroku"
(BEYOOOOONDS 3rd Single "Hamkatsu Mokushiroku" outfit)

Hirai Miyo BEYOOOOONDS 3rd Single "Eiyuu ~Waratte! Chopin Senpai~"
(BEYOOOOONDS 3rd Single "Eiyuu ~Waratte! Chopin Senpai~" outfit)

Hirai Miyo's Resume


Hirai Miyo's Recommendations / Favorites



  • Favorite otokoyaku  壮一帆
  • Favorite musumeyaku 桜一花
  • Favorite show『若き日の唄は忘れじ』
  • First encountered Takarazuka on TV 『明智小五郎の事件簿―黒蜥蜴』


  • Harry Potter
  • Michael Ende's Momo
  • Otousan ga ippai
  • Edogawa Ranpu's books
  • (there's one more author she mentioned it on radio before, I gotta look for it again)


  • 『ポーの一族』her favorite
  • Rose of Versailles ベルサイユのばら
  • Fujita Kazuhiro's manga. She can't pick a favourite, but if pushed to say, she'd pick Moonlight Act. 藤田和日郎先生「うしおととら」「月光条例」
  • 「コタローは1人暮らし」
  • 「鬼滅の刃」borrow from kurumin
  • 「GIANT KILLING」Something she wants to finish reading
  • Mom and sis are reading 和山やまさんの「カラオケ行こ!」と「夢中さ、きみに。」

  • Recommendations:「結界師」と「月光条例」と「町でうわさの天狗の子」と「ポーの一族」と「ベルサイユのばら」


  • Leon『レオン』
  • Interstella『インターステラー』
  • Begin Again『はじまりのうた』
  • The Disappearance of Conan Edogawa: The Worst Two Days in History
  • Key of Life『 鍵泥棒のメソッド』
  • James Bond: Skyfall - mentioned in 1001 nights
  • 「奇蹟がくれた数式」The Man Who Knew Infinity
  • 「のだめカンタービレ」(it has manga too)


  • 「からくりサーカス」(it has a manga too) 
  • 「未来少年コナン」
  • 「ベルサイユのばら」(it has manga, takarazuka, is the first takarazuka she watched live) 


  • Sam Smith's Writings on the Wall


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